I'm Atul Akella

a Maker


I'm Atul Akella

a Maker


About me

Passionate, committed and skilled maker with expertise in C, C++ and Python and a focus on machine learning, deep learning and AI. I use my programming skills and creativity for real-time projects involving Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson Nano. Currently a student at VIT-AP university pursuing a BTech in Electronics, and Communications Engineering

About me

image Passionate, committed and skilled maker with expertise in Python programming and a focus on machine learning, deep learning. I use my programming skills and creativity for real-time projects involving Raspberry Pi and NVIDIA Jetson Nano. Currently a fresher at VIT-AP university pursuing a BTech in Electronics, and Communications Engineering
A Few

Things I'm Proud Of

Built my first robot at age 13

I started my journey into the world of robotics with sheer curiosity, I made my first Bluetooth-controlled robotic arm boasting three degrees of freedom, which ignited my passion for technology and innovation. I uploaded a video demonstration of it on YouTube.

Developed first portfolio website at age 15

I honed my skills further by designing and developing my personal portfolio website. Fueled by the desire to showcase my projects and accomplishments, also network with people. Furthermore I made a playful chatbot equipped with knowledge about me and a little sense of humor, adds an interactive element to my digital presence.

Represented school at IIT Kharagpur at 14

I represented my school at the prestigious IIT-Kharagpur. Leading my team to the finals of the pan Asia Young Innovator’s Program (YIP 2019), hosted by IIT Kharagpur, was an honor. Amongst thousands of teams, we stood out, securing a position in the top 30 with our innovative approach to address vehicular pollution.

Started professional journey at 18

I began my professional journey as a Machine Learning Solutions Engineer at ShrimpIQ, a startup focusing on real-time innovations to revolutinize the aquaculture industry. Applying my machine learning skills to real-world challenges was both exciting and fulfilling.
Few of my favourite


Checkout my projects here

Checkout my projects here

Contact me

Let's be honest, your inbox is probably pretty boring. Spice it up with a message from me. 
You won't regret it (probably).